Please see below the final version of the Dores and Essich Community Action plan ,which reflects the ambitions of the community going forward into the future.
Planning matters
Draft Local Place Plan for Consultation
Following the recent local place plan survey based on the feedback there is draft plan in the link below. Please take time to read through it and if you have any comments please feel free to add.
Once all the feedback has been received this will be presented as the Local Place Plan going forward.
There is also a feedback form here in the link below
Commencement of Geotechnical Survey
To: Dores & Essich Community Council, Strathnairn Community Council and Councillors of Aird & Loch Ness Ward
This is to inform you that we have commissioned consultants to undertake the above surveys, and they are scheduled to start the week commencing 25 March 2024.
The geotechnical surveys will require a small workforce of 8 to 10 technicians, working on two rotary rigs. The rigs are approximately 3 x 2.6 metres and will be drilling to a depth of between 20 and 280 metres (depending on site conditions). The surveys will take approximately ten weeks to complete. The information gained from the survey works will inform the project design to construct a tunnel system that is safe and compliant for the operational lifetime of the project.
Natural Power is the company carrying out the work, and there will be a representative from their team attending the community drop-in sessions today, 12 March, who can talk directly to residents in more detail.
Attached is a map showing the approximate location of the nine drilling locations marked with blue dots, and an image of the type of equipment used.
This information will be shared at the exhibition and on our website, but please feel free to share this email with anyone who may find it of interest. This email address can be used for members of the public to contact the project team.
Kind regards,
The Project Team
Statkraft UK Ltd.
The Garment Factory, 10 Montrose Street, Glasgow G1 1RE
22 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4BQ
Phone: 0800 772 0668

Red John Scheme to be Developed by Statkraft
There is an article in the Inverness Courier announcing the Red John Scheme Developer I will put a link here as I have not received anything from ILI or Statkraft. Once we do I will update this.
Foyers Substation and Switching Station Works
Dear Community Council,
Our ref: LT243/Foyers Substation and Switching Station Works/PAN Submission
Proposal of Application Notice: New substation comprising platform area, associated plant and infrastructure, ancillary facilities, laydown area(s), access road and landscape works, and extension to existing Foyers switching station comprising platform area, associated plant and infrastructure, ancillary facilities, laydown area(s), access road and landscape works (National Development) at land to the North East of Foyers Hydro Electric Power Station
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission plc (the Applicant), operating and known as Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks Transmission (SSEN Transmission), is pleased to submit this Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) and associated site location plan relating to the proposed new substation
and extension of Foyers Switching Station to the north east of Foyers Hydro Electric Power Station.
The proposed development is to be subject to the formal pre-application process (November 2022) and is classified as National Development as defined in Annex A of the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3), by virtue of it forming part of the high voltage electricity transmission network. The Proposed Development falls under the class of development noted as, “new and /or upgraded onshore substations directly linked to electricity transmission cabling of or in excess of 132 kilovolts”. The redline PAN boundary seeks to include all land required to complete the proposed works
associated with the replacement of the existing transmission transformers at Foyers Hydro Electric Power Station.
Further details on the proposed development will be provided to interested parties at two public consultation events to be held face-to-face.
A public consultation event is proposed for 19th October 2022 between 2pm and 7pm at Stratherrick Public Hall, Gorthleck, Inverness IV2 6YS. An advert for this event will be placed in the Press and Journal at least 7 days in advance of the event. A second in-person public consultation event will be held prior to submission of the planning application (programmed for late Spring 2023).
*Please note the venue for the public consultation event has recently been flooded and is not currently available for use. The venue operator has confirmed remedial works should be completed and the venue available for use by the 19th October 2022. If it becomes apparent the venue will not be ready for use on this date an alternative event venue will be sought. This will be confirmed prior to the advertising and mail drop and to any parties previously contacted.
Copies of this notice will be sent to the parties, as identified on the accompanying PAN. The attached PAN form provides further details of what consultation is being proposed.
In terms of additional consultation and publicity, the Applicant proposes the following:
• Mail Drop of information postcards in the local area;
• Posters in the local area; and
• Updates on the project website.
We trust that the approach as set out above and in the attached PAN is sufficient to meet the terms of the statutory requirements for pre-application consultation, without prejudice to the planning authority’s obligations under the terms of Section 35(B)7 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1997 (as amended). I look forward to receiving confirmation of receipt and validation of this PAN and a response within 21
Should you have any queries or require further information please contact me directly.
Yours sincerely,
Ryan Davidson
Community Liaison Manager
Scottish Hydro Electric Transmission
M: +44(0)7901133919
1 Waterloo St, Glasgow, G2 6AY
Consultation for Development in Dores
The Highland Council
Comhairle na Gàidhealta chd
To: The Owner, Lessee or Occupier
Dear Owner, Lessee or Occupier,
Please ask for: Development Plans Team Tel: 01349 886608
E-mail: [email protected] March/April 2022
|Why we are writing to you: We’re letting you know that we have launched a consultation on the Proposed Local Development Plan for your area which will ultimately be used to assess planning applications for development. The Plan identifies a site near your address that we consider to be suitable for future development. The Proposed Plan is a
consultation document so you have the opportunity to let us know what you think about the site and other Plan content by 12 noon on Friday 17 June 2022. Please note that this letter is not notification of a planning application, however it does set out the Council’s support for the principle of development. For the site to be developed in the future, an application would need to be submitted by the landowner or developer for consideration by the Council. Below is the formal notice that we’re legally required to give you, which provides further details and explains how you can find out more and make comment.
Proposals for development at the following location(s):
DO02: Land south of church
Notice is given that Highland Council has published a proposed local development plan for the Inner Moray Firth area which includes proposal(s) for development of the above site(s) as shown on the map overleaf. Full details are available via uk/imf
Description of the proposal(s)
The Council proposes to identify the following site for the uses stated:
Mixed Use: Housing, Community, Business, Tourism
Summary of the background to the proposal
We have previously asked for people’s views on the possibility of identifying this land for development and have considered all comments received. Further background can be found at
The proposed local development plan may be viewed at, and online at public libraries throughout the Plan area.
The proposed local development plan is available for inspection from 25 March to 17 June 2022 at 12 noon.
Any person who wishes to make representations to the Council should visit our consultation portal via
If you are not able to access or use the website (for example if you cannot access the internet) please contact the Development Plans Team on 01349 886608 and we will provide alternative method for you to read the Plan and submit your comments.
Yours faithfully,
Scott Dalgarno
Development Plans Manager
Malcolm Macleod, Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure, Environment & Economy
Highland Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX