With the improving situation relating to the Covid pandemic, it is considered that Community Councils can now meet face to face, if they wish to do so.
However, precautions should continue to be taken and we strongly recommend the following is put in place:
- complete a risk assessment for your meetings (this is in addition to any risk assessment which the venue may already have in place)
- ensure the room is well ventilated
- ensure there is enough space for people to maintain social distance
- you may wish to wear a mask and also encourage others to do so
- if possible provide hand sanitiser at the meetings
- as good practice, you should also sanitise surfaces before and after your meeting
While many Community Councils are keen to return to face to face meetings, many have also found that public engagement has increased using virtual methods as it has cut down on travel etc and made it easier for many people to attend. If your Community Council wishes to continue to meet virtually, we would support that.
I hope this is helpful, but please don’t hesitate to contact your Ward Manager for any further guidance.