Dear Community Group/Community Council/Colleagues,
Welcome to The Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities.
To join the mailing list for this briefing please complete this short survey:
Highland Council Budget Challenge 2024/25
Community Training, Events, & News
Community Safety and Resilience
Highland Council Budget Challenge 2024/25
The Council is currently in the process of planning for setting its Budget for 2024/25. As a Council we, like other public services, face increasing costs and at the same time, we are experiencing increasing service demand. It is therefore critical that we focus our resources on key priorities.
To help us do this we want to understand the priorities of the people of the Highlands. We want to know what services matter to people most, what services people want to protect and where people think we could generate additional income.
We are asking for feedback from individuals but also from groups in the following ways:
- Completing our Budget Simulator – allows you as an individual to make choices to try and balance the Council’s budget. What services matter to you most? Which services do you think we should protect? Which services do you think we could reduce? If you choose to reduce any area of spend, the Simulator will tell you what the impact will be. You can also choose to increase income by increasing the charges for services.
- Completing our Budget Survey – the survey asks for your thoughts as an individual or a family on priorities, how you think the Council could generate new income and how it could change what it does.
- Completing our Community Group Survey – this survey is specifically for groups to complete and to provide a group or organisation’s view.
We would appreciate it if your group could take the time to complete our Budget Challenge but also to share this across your networks.
Many thanks for taking the time to give us your feedback.
- SCVO is a key source of funding information for the third sector.
Community Training, Events, & News
- Cost of Living Training for community groups
Thurso Community Development will be delivering online training sessions between 28th November and 14th December for community groups and workers across the Highlands. The training will cover how to provide guidance and advice to those struggling with the Cost-of-Living Crisis. Part of the training will also demonstrate a web resource that has been developed to provide easy to access information relating to emergency help, benefits, and more.
For additional information or queries contact: [email protected]
Highland community groups can book a session via Eventbrite:
- See Me
NHS Education for Scotland and Public Health Scotland invite you to join a masterclass led by See Me, Scotland’s national programme to end mental health stigma and discrimination, exploring the impact of mental health stigma on access to and experience of healthcare.
The 1-hour online session, which will be hosted via MS Teams on Tuesday, 12th December 2023 at 11.00am, provides the opportunity for those working and supporting mental health within their roles to hear a range of views from the See Me panel of experts by experience and healthcare leaders. Register via the link:
For further details see the attached flyer.
There is an opportunity for new members to fill vacancies on the six local outdoor access forums in Caithness, Sutherland, Ross & Cromarty, Inverness & Nairn, Skye & Lochalsh and Lochaber.
- The Highland Council YouTube Channel
The Highland Council promotes Council projects and initiatives, broadcast live events including elections, conferences, and webinars on our YouTube channel.
We also host all our Area Committee meetings on the channel – allowing you to find out the latest local information for your area.
Our live broadcasts will include coverage of the upcoming Community Council elections on 27 November 2023 and the forthcoming UK General Election.
You can subscribe to our channel for free – head on over to and click on the Subscribe button.
Welfare & Poverty Reduction
- Cost of living support – Highland Council webpages on support and information to help with the cost of living.
- Help during the cost-of-living crisis – Scottish Government advice and information.
- CAB Energy Advice – Citizens Advice Bureau offer free, impartial energy advice to householders. They provide advice to help reduce household energy use, save money, and understand energy bills and support householders to manage energy debt. This can be done in person, over the phone or by video call. 0800 028 1456 will bring you to an interactive service which will connect you to the relevant service or you can enter your postcode here to find your local Citizen Advice bureau.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Mental Health Training Survey – The Mental Health Delivery Group have created this survey that can be completed by anyone involved in or aware of any organisations offering mental health training opportunities within the Highlands. The information will be made available at the Highland Mental Health and Wellbeing website.
- NHS Highland Mental Wellbeing – a collection of resources and signposts to help people of all ages to look after their own mental wellbeing. Register for the event by following the link.
- Cost of living crisis and your mental health
Many people are feeling the strain as the cost of living continues to increase. This resource provides information on how you can maintain your mental wellbeing at this time, alongside information on how to manage your money as bills rise.
Community Safety and Resilience
- Met Office Weather Warnings –
- Met Office Weather Ready
- Scottish Flood Forecasting – Provides up to date information on when and where flooding is expected to occur over a three-day period.
- Floodline Scotland
- Ready Scotland – preparing for emergencies