Having had a great response from residents of Foyers and Scaniport, we look like being able to litter pick the road sides all the way from Foyers to Torbreck this year which is great.
It would be fantastic if the community of Dores could get together and make a concerted effort on Saturday 27th March to tidy up the beach area, including the football field, the play park and the path behind the beach. Most of us use the beach, whether it be for walking or swimming, so it would be great if all could get involved.
To aid social distancing, I will be available at the Gift Shop at 10am, 12pm and 2pm for people to collect sanitised litter pickers and bags and to discuss what zone to concentrate on.
If you think you can help, it would be useful if you could email me on [email protected] to let me know and indicate your preferred time. Alternatively, just turn up at any of the times above.
Names of helpers will be noted, and you are invited to ask for a free coffee and piece of cake from Cameron’s Tea Room before 18th April.

Fiona & John Cairns Balachladaich Bed & Breakfast Loch Ness, Dores, IV2 6XP www.lochnessbedbreakfast.co.uk
For more information about the south Loch Ness area, please visit www.visitsouthlochness.com