The Local Post Office Service Van will continue to stop next to Ness Gifts (old petrol pumps) every Wednesday but at the earlier time of 11:45am-12:45pm
First Aid Training
The defibrillator training arranged earlier has now been rescheduled for 7pm, 23rd May 2022 at the Dores Parish Hall.
As before anyone wishing to attend and this included school age from Primary 7+ contact Heidi . Heidi 07715 617319
There will be placed for 20 people donations welcome and masks will be available for purchase
Community Resilience Group Briefing 29-4-22
OutDores Event
A message from Adam and Tanya at the Dores Inn
Just a wee reminder that the OutDores Event will be held at The Dores Inn this Saturday 30th April from 12pm-10pm. Adam & Tanya have asked me to let you all know that if any resident (permanently living in the Village or immediate vicinity) wishes to attend – free wristbands can be collected from The Dores Inn on the day. Please ask to see Adam. Please note that this is an Over 18’s event only
A Message from Cllr Margaret Davidson
Hallo all, Many of you will know I am not standing for re-election on May 5th.
This after 27 years as a Highland Councillor and 7 years as Leader. I expect to have severe if temporary withdrawal symptoms
I wanted to contact you and ask that you contact your community council colleagues and indeed your communities and tell l them that I have found it a real privilege to serve you all over that time. I can truly say I have never had a boring day.
Much of the work I have done with you has led to listening and action, but also often reflection and some astonishing progress.
Who would know that complaints about pot holes has led to the South Loch Ness roads investment plan and now a clear expectation that developers will be invest substantially in our roads.
I have always said that every community council has been different and you are often great fun. So much better than sitting at home and I have felt that we have developed genuine respect and friendship over the years. Covid broke our stride, but it is coming back.
So hail and farewell. Loch Ness is our family home and business so I will be around and I hope to see you soon
Oh yes do not forget to vote on May 5th
I have very clear views on who I would recommend to you so if you wish contact me for a conversation.
My personal e-mail after May 5th is [email protected] and my phone number 0781815689
All the very best
Margaret Davidson
Independent Councillor
Ward 12 Aird and Loch Ness
Red John Newsletter Update
I’ve attached the latest update for the project. I will be forwarding this round to all the interested parties and stakeholders this afternoon.
As noted in the update, the SSEN consultation event is being hosted by them. As the network owner and licensed operator, once they have been contracted to provide a connection they very much take control of the process.
As per the brochure, they have noted 3 potential routes for the cable to Knocknagael, as well as options for extending the substation itself.
Of course, should there be any aspect of this, or the wider project itself, you would like to discuss further, please do give me a call.
Kind regards,
Ross McLaughlin
Technical Adviser
07861 667903