DubNess Event Dores
Dubness the VW enthusiast group are holding a camping event in the top field in the village on 19th-21st August.
Members of the Community are welcome. The cut off time for music will be 11pm both nights.
The organisers can be contacted on the following numbers
Jenna 07747744478
Dave on 07787510665
OFGEM Assessment of SSEN Power Business Plan for Net Zero Consulation
Community Resilience Briefing 29-07-22
Dear Community Resilience Group/Community Council/Colleagues,
Welcome to The Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing for groups with an interest in local community resilience.
Covid related information
- Scottish Government Covid-19 Guidance
- NHS Inform Covid data
- NHS Inform Covid information and guidance
- NHS Highland local vaccination information
SCVO is a key source of funding information for the third sector https://scvo.scot/funding. Funds that may be of interest include:
- Caithness & North Sutherland Fund
Funds projects which increase the attractiveness of Caithness & North Sutherland as a place to live, work, and invest in. Next deadline 30 September 2022. - Crown Estate Scotland – Community Capacity Grants Programme
Provides early-stage financial support for community enterprise projects contributing to local regeneration and sustainable development. Next deadline 19 September 2022. - Cairngorms National Park Authority – Outdoor Learning Travel Grant
Supports Schools and community groups making educational visits to the Cairngorms National Park. Applications can be made at any time.
Let’s Do Net Zero Community Buildings Fund
New funding is now available from the Scottish Government’s Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES). The fund aims to support community organisations to reduce their building energy costs and carbon emissions.
The Let’s Do Net Zero Community Buildings Fund is open now and is planned to run until the end of March 2025, subject to funding availability.
Funding is available for many types of community building, including:
- community cafes
- community hubs
- faith buildings
- public halls
- community halls and centres.
Grant funding is available for up to 80% of eligible costs up to a maximum of £80,000.
Find out more.
Welfare, poverty reduction and resilience
- WhatsApp Scam Messages – attached is a message from the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau with a warning about an increase in a scam where victims are contacted by criminals impersonating someone they know. This scam has already resulted in over £1.5m reported losses.
- Ofgem’s RIIO-ED2 Draft Determination – Attached is an email from SSEN encouraging stakeholders to take part in the consultation Ofgem are running on the Draft Determination until August 25. The Draft Determination lays out what funding will be available for gas and electricity companies to make improvements to their services for customers.
- CyberScotland Monthly Update – Attached is CyberScotlands latest news which includes information on staying in control of personal data and third sector cyber resilience.
- CyberScotland Bulletin July – Rounds up any cyber security information from the last month. Topics include a new briefing pack for cyber resilience, holiday cyber-attacks, and sharing the free copy of the little book of big scams.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
- NHS Highland Mental Wellbeing – a collection of resources and signposts to help people of all ages to look after their own mental wellbeing
Emergency Planning
- Met Office Weather Warnings https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/uk-warnings#?date=2022-07-28
- Met Office Weather Ready https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/warnings-and-advice/weatherready
- Floodline Scotland https://floodlinescotland.org.uk/
- Ready Scotland – preparing for emergencies https://ready.scot/
Community Resilience Briefing 13-5-22
Consultation for Development in Dores
The Highland Council
Comhairle na Gàidhealta chd
To: The Owner, Lessee or Occupier
Dear Owner, Lessee or Occupier,
Please ask for: Development Plans Team Tel: 01349 886608
E-mail: [email protected] March/April 2022
|Why we are writing to you: We’re letting you know that we have launched a consultation on the Proposed Local Development Plan for your area which will ultimately be used to assess planning applications for development. The Plan identifies a site near your address that we consider to be suitable for future development. The Proposed Plan is a
consultation document so you have the opportunity to let us know what you think about the site and other Plan content by 12 noon on Friday 17 June 2022. Please note that this letter is not notification of a planning application, however it does set out the Council’s support for the principle of development. For the site to be developed in the future, an application would need to be submitted by the landowner or developer for consideration by the Council. Below is the formal notice that we’re legally required to give you, which provides further details and explains how you can find out more and make comment.
Proposals for development at the following location(s):
DO02: Land south of church
Notice is given that Highland Council has published a proposed local development plan for the Inner Moray Firth area which includes proposal(s) for development of the above site(s) as shown on the map overleaf. Full details are available via www.highland.gov. uk/imf
Description of the proposal(s)
The Council proposes to identify the following site for the uses stated:
Mixed Use: Housing, Community, Business, Tourism
Summary of the background to the proposal
We have previously asked for people’s views on the possibility of identifying this land for development and have considered all comments received. Further background can be found at www.highland.gov.uk/imf.
The proposed local development plan may be viewed at www.highland.gov.uklimf, and online at public libraries throughout the Plan area.
The proposed local development plan is available for inspection from 25 March to 17 June 2022 at 12 noon.
Any person who wishes to make representations to the Council should visit our consultation portal via www.highland.gov.uk/imf.
If you are not able to access or use the website (for example if you cannot access the internet) please contact the Development Plans Team on 01349 886608 and we will provide alternative method for you to read the Plan and submit your comments.
Yours faithfully,
Scott Dalgarno
Development Plans Manager
Malcolm Macleod, Executive Chief Officer Infrastructure, Environment & Economy
Highland Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness, IV3 5NX