Dear HSCN Members and Supporters,
Here is your first news-sheet of 2023, bringing with it our best wishes for the New Year. Along with the good wishes, there is information about activities and new service developments, opportunities to be sociable and learn new skills, requests for your views, and recommendations from other members. Hopefully, it will set you off into the Chinese Year of the Rabbit, with a spring in your step.
In Chinese astrology, the Rabbit, or specifically the Water Rabbit, is a sign of longevity, peace and prosperity, meaning 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope. I came across these recommendations for the year ahead which seemed good advice and very much in line with HSCN plans for the year. The Rabbit is associated with:
- It’s ability to create and maintain harmonious relationships. In 2023 let’s focus on building strong connections with loved ones, colleagues, and anyone else in our lives. As ever, HSCN is all about making connections, and we are really looking forward to doing even more of this during 2023.
- Trustfulness and an easy-going attitude, but it’s essential to be vigilant regarding potential scams or frauds. Trust, but verify, fits very well with our focus on scams and fraud. Come to a Tea-break and learn more.
- Creativity and artistic talents, so let’s tap into our inner artists and explore our creative side, which you could do at the UHI / Inverness Open arts open mornings in February.
- Taking care of oneself, so let’s prioritise self-care and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Be inspired by Head Gardener Uisdean and start making plans for the year ahead!
Hopefully by following these tips we can take advantage of the positive energy and opportunities that 2023, The Year of the Rabbit, brings.
As ever, we look forward to hearing from anyone who wants to share information or their experiences with us.
The Highland Senior Citizens Network Team
Our Co-ordinators Contact Details:
Jo Cowan Anne McDonald
Co-ordinator Co-ordinator
Highland Senior Citizens Network Highland Senior Citizens Network
Mobile Number: 07933 653585 Mobile Number: 07933 653313
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail:[email protected]
Our Co-ordinators work part time, 21 hours a week, so may not be able to check and reply to emails every day