Food support to community groups – new arrangements
Firstly, we would like to thank you and those who work with you for all your efforts – and your continued contributions – to help our communities in the Highlands when it was most needed.
With the changes to covid restrictions, the Highland Council has been reviewing its approach to food distribution across Highland. This message is to inform the community groups and volunteers who have undertaken a crucial role working with the Council and their partners to provide food and general welfare support to their local communities during the COVID-19 pandemic of some forthcoming changes to the way that food support will be delivered.
These changes are in line with the removal of Covid restrictions and will allow communities to continue do what they do best, which is support local communities with advice and assistance from the public sector.
What is Changing?
From June 2022, the Council’s current food distribution operation in Highland through a hub network will end; all subsequent requests for food support from community groups should be addressed to our partners, FareShare. Any community organisations or charities looking for support with food for their projects in the Highland Council area should contact the FareShare local development officer Michael Sutherland at email: [email protected].
In the North of Scotland, CFINE operates FareShare Scotland which is part of the FareShare UK network. They take good, in-date surplus from the food industry that would otherwise go to waste and distribute it to charities and community organisations for redistribution to those in need. They are already in partnership supporting a number of community organisations across Highland and therefore this new approach builds on their existing role in Highland.
Community groups considering using FareShare for the first time can find more details at the following link Once interest is registered online, the local development officer will contact you to discuss the membership process.
The Council will continue to work with local groups to support the welfare and sustainability of our communities. We will maintain our existing Ward arrangements to provide local advice and support, and our Welfare Support Team will continue to offer assistance to individuals.
We highly value the links developed with local communities throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic and wish to ensure that we build on these as we move forward.
If you have any further questions, please make direct contact with your local Ward Manager or the Council’s Welfare Support Team, email [email protected].
Kind regards
Douglas Crawford
On behalf of
Alison Clark, Head of Community Support and EngagementUnless related to the business of The Highland Council, the views or opinions expressed within this e-mail are those of the sender and do not necessarily reflect those of The Highland Council, or associated bodies, nor does this e-mail form part of any contract unless so stated.
Mura h-eil na beachdan a tha air an cur an cèill sa phost-d seo a’ buntainn ri gnothachas Chomhairle na Gàidhealtachd, ‘s ann leis an neach fhèin a chuir air falbh e a tha iad, is chan eil iad an-còmhnaidh a’ riochdachadh beachdan na Comhairle, no buidhnean buntainneach, agus chan eil am post-d seo na phàirt de chunnradh sam bith mura h-eil sin air innse.