Dear Community Group/Community Council/Colleagues,
Welcome to The Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities.
To join the mailing list for this briefing please complete this short survey:
- SCVO is a key source of funding information for the third sector.
- HTSI Funding Support and Advice
Community Training, Events, & News
- Highland Gathering – booking for the CAB Highland Gathering is now open. This will be our first gathering since 2020’s one was cancelled due to Covid and we look forward to welcoming you all back to a fantastic day of workshops and networking. If you think this would be of interest to any of your colleagues or partner organisation please pass on the information. The venue remains the Ben Wyvis Hotel in Strathpefffer and booking information can be found at
Please look to book as soon as possible to ensure you get to the front of the queue for the available workshops! If you have any questions or would like to discuss the event, please get in touch
- Employer Training Webinars – Skills Development Scotland are running a series of webinars such as workforce planning and development, talent attraction, and workplace culture. See the attached document for full details or visit their website.
- Fort William 2040 – this is an ongoing project to co-ordinate and deliver a shared vision for the future of Fort William and Lochaber. Design concepts and initial ideas are available to view at the library along with feedback forms.
- Scottish Rural Action are hosting the event which is free and open to all community councils. They will be joined by a range of organisations and individuals exploring the practicalities of diversity on boards, succession planning, and how young people can be fully supported to get involved.
See below for further info and the link to sign up:
Welfare & Poverty Reduction
- Best Start Foods – You may be able to get Best Start Foods for your child even if you cannot get certain benefits because of your immigration status (also called ‘no access to public funds). The thresholds required to qualify for this aid is being updated on February 26th 2024, for full information visit:
- Highland Whole Family Wellbeing Programme – This platform is intended to share information about anything relating to holistic family wellbeing and support.
- Cost of living support – Highland Council webpages on support and information to help with the cost of living.
- Help during the cost-of-living crisis – Scottish Government advice and information.
- CAB Energy Advice – Citizens Advice Bureau offer free, impartial energy advice to householders. They provide advice to help reduce household energy use, save money, and understand energy bills and support householders to manage energy debt. This can be done in person, over the phone or by video call. 0800 028 1456 will bring you to an interactive service which will connect you to the relevant service or you can enter your postcode here to find your local Citizen Advice bureau.
- Armed Forces & Veterans: Education, Health & Housing – Information to support and signpost Highland’s Armed Forces Community:
Mental Health & Wellbeing
- Think Health Think Nature February 2024 Newsletter
- NHS Highland Mental Wellbeing – a collection of resources and signposts to help people of all ages to look after their own mental wellbeing. Register for the event by following the link.
- Cost of living crisis and your mental health
Many people are feeling the strain as the cost of living continues to increase. This resource provides information on how you can maintain your mental wellbeing at this time, alongside information on how to manage your money as bills rise.
Community Safety and Resilience
- Highlands and Islands Climate Hub – Empowers community-led climate action.
- – Tips on steps you can take to prepare your home, family, and business for emergencies.
- Met Office Weather Warnings –
- Met Office Weather Ready
- Scottish Flood Forecasting – Provides up to date information on when and where flooding is expected to occur over a three-day period.
- Floodline Scotland
Douglas Crawford
Business Analyst
Community Support and Engagement
Highland Council