Aldourie Primary School Fund Raiser

by simon
by simon
Dear Community Group/Community Council/Colleagues,
Welcome to The Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities.
To join the mailing list for this briefing please complete this short survey: https://forms.office.com/e/rSS3hXbGTa
Community Training, Events, & News
Community Safety and Resilience
The Highland Council Budget Phase 2 – The public are invited to complete a second survey to help inform final budget proposals which will be considered 29 February 2024. For more information see the attached document and to take part visit: https://engagehighland.co.uk/budget-engagement
For more information or book a table contact: [email protected]
Feel free to get in touch with the specific groups for a friendly chat about the support they have to offer. They’d be happy to provide you with more information.
Douglas Crawford
Business Analyst
Community Support and Engagement
Highland Council
by simon
see attached file for more details
Mon 22 Jan 7:00pm – Public Meeting: “Save Loch Ness” hydro project discussion by Ness District Salmon Fishery Board
Sat 27 Jan 7:00pm – Burns Night, Tickets £15 call Annette Munro 07766 065534
Mon 29 Jan 7:30pm – Public Meeting: Dores & Essich Community Council Meeting
Mon 5 Feb 7:00pm – Taiji/Qigong resumes on Mondays. £7, beginners welcome
Sat 24 Feb 7:30pm – Karen Marshalsay, Scottish Harpist & Composer. Tickets £12 from Dores Inn (cash only) or on door (cash or card) The scheduled performance by Scottish harpist and composer Karen Marshalsay on 24 February in the village hall has been canceled. Karen has injured her arm and will be unable to perform. We wish her a speedy recovery and hope to reschedule for May or June. Thank you.
TBD March Wednesdays 7:00pm – Gentle Yoga by Meg’s Mindful Movement
by simon
Dear Community Group/Community Council/Colleagues,
Welcome to The Highland Council’s fortnightly briefing containing information about support, resources, and events for local communities.
To join the mailing list for this briefing please complete this short survey: https://forms.office.com/e/rSS3hXbGTa
Community Training, Events, & News
Community Safety and Resilience
These sessions are intended to change this, and support all working in our communities to have confident conversations and understand where referrals go to and have a resource which is constantly updated.
Full details on the event and how to register are available on Eventbrite – Gathering Hope Tickets, Tue 23 Jan 2024 at 10:00 | Eventbrite
Douglas Crawford
Business Analyst
Community Support and Engagement
Highland Council
by simon
I work as the Volunteer Recruitment Office for Inverness, Badenoch & Strathspey Citizens Advice Bureau and we are currently highlighting the need for more volunteer advisers. Citizens Advice Bureau has been around since 1939 and we are a volunteer led organisation. I am sure that you are aware that there is a dearth of volunteers in the Inverness ad surrounding area, so I would like to ask you to encourage your community council to highlight our organisation.
Perhaps you could follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn? If you are able to put a poster up on a local community board in your area then please see attached or you can contact me and I will send you a hard copy. Our website is invernesscab.org and we would be delighted if you could share that in any way too.
Currently I am highlighting the fact that we are hoping to encourage people to apply to volunteer by the beginning of February and before we start our next training programme at the end of February.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this email and if you require any further information from me, or if you have an idea of how to highlight what we do then please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Kindest regards
Robyn Teago
Volunteer Recruitment Officer
Inverness Badenoch and Strathspey Citizens Advice Bureau
29 Union Street
T: 01463 237664
by simon
The South Loch Ness Access Group AGM is to take place on the 16th of January via zoom at 7:30pm.
If you would like to receive an invite for this please contact [email protected] for an invite. All are welcome to come and to listen in to what is happening access wise in the area or raise concerns and thoughts for improvements.
We are also always looking for volunteers who are interested in helping to clear tracks and paths locally – so please get in touch if this is you.