Would any of our community members be interested in organising the Dores end of the south Loch Ness litter pick this year?
I’ve organised it for the past 6 years, but I’ve just not got the capacity this year. It involves liaising with the Foyers end to agree a date, confirming a Council roadside collection along the route on the Monday, collecting litter pickers and encouraging locals to take part. We cover the roadside from Makar to beyond Balachladaich, the village and the beach. There are a good number of regular volunteers along the route, and Aldourie Estate and MOWI fish farm help too, but it would be great to get more people involved. Please email me at [email protected] if you’d be willing to take this on – it makes a real difference if everyone does a little each year so it would be really unfortunate if the litter pick didn’t happen this year.
Fiona Cairns
Balachladaich Bed & Breakfast
Loch Ness, Dores, IV2 6XP
For more information about the south Loch Ness area, please visit