Community Council Meeting Minutes 2024 9Minutes-of-CC-meeting-13-05-24Download March-CC-Minutes-18-03-24Download CC-Minutes-29-1-24Download 2023 231123-MinutesDownload 18_09_23-Minutes-.docDownload Dores-and-Essich-CC-AGM-MinutesDownload Minutes-17-07-23Download Chairpersons Report 2022-2023 Chairs-Report-for-2022-2023Download Minutes-15-05-23.docxDownload Minutes-20-03-23Download 16_01_23-DECC-minutesDownload 2022 221121-DECC-Meeting-Minutes-Download Minutes-08-08-22Download Dores-AGM-Minutes-13-6-22Download Minutes-13-6-22Download Minutes-25-4-22Download Minutes-7_3_22Download Minutes-17-1-22Download 2021 Minutes-22-11-21Download minutes-51021Download Minutes09-08-21Download AGM-minutes14_06_21Download Minutes14_06_21Download Minutes-19-04-21Download IMFDLP meeting minutes Download Minutes-08-03-21Download Minutes-18-01-21Download 2020 Minutes-23-11-20Download Minutes 12-10-20Download Minutes 07-09-20Download Draft minutes from the meeting on 9th MarchDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 20th JanuaryDownload 2019 Draft minutes from the meeting on 2nd DecemberDownload Inaugural Meeting 18th NovemberDownload AGM Minutes 2019Download Draft minutes from the meeting on 19th AugustDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 1st JulyDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 13th MayDownload 2018 Draft minutes from the meeting on 5th FebDownload 2017 Draft minutes from the meeting on 18th SeptDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 24th JulyDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 6th FebDownload 2016 Draft minutes from the meeting on 12th DecDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 24th OctDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 29th AugDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 6th JuneDownload Draft minutes from the AGM on 6th JuneDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 18th AprilDownload 2015 Draft minutes from the meeting on 30th NovemberDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 24th AugustDownload Draft minutes from the AGM on 6th JulyDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 6th JulyDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 1st JuneDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 13th AprilDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 2nd MarchDownload Draft minutes from the meeting on 12th JanuaryDownload